The Realest Travel Quotes You Actually Need To Read Right Now

Looking for some inspiring travel quotes to reignite your passion for travel?

I’m just saying that after you read this post on travel quotes, you may feel a sudden urge to look at flights to that place you’ve been wanting to go to…don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

I was reading an article not too long ago that discussed the science behind inspiring quotes. The article mentioned a reason that I agreed with that makes quotes addictive (in a good way) and always pleasant to read when we come across them.

Quotes (travel quotes fit in here) have a coaching factor, and these words can change your mindset. It’s like having a coach, a teacher, or a mentor tell you that they believe these things are attainable and they are for you. So go after them. 

As a fellow quote lover myself, I have compiled some of my favorite travel quotes I’ve saved throughout the years from various authors, writers, and philosophers who share why travel is as impactful (and important) for us humans.

Travel is more than just being in new surroundings, seeing new sites, and taking pictures.

It can be this, but it also expands your sense of self, your awareness of the world, your overall perspectives on all aspects of life, and the countless life lessons you learn in a short span of time.

Whenever you feel lost in search of a sign, I hope these quotes help lift up your spirits, inspire you to travel, and leave it all behind to feel alive via travel.

So get comfy, put on some nice, relaxing, inspiring music (maybe something like this) to set the mood, and get ready for some of the realest travel quotes that you need to read.

Let’s jump in!

Money comes and goes, but you are losing your youth every day.

>> Read More: How to Prioritize More Travel In Your Life

Some of the biggest life lessons I learned were abroad. I will go so far as to say that exploring new places gave me so much more understanding of myself, more than when I was at home. I proved to myself just how far my curiosity could take me.

>> Read more: A Better Sense Of Self Through Travel

I am one of those people who definitely loves the airport, anyone with me on this one??

>> Read more: 5 Ways Travel Brought Me Out Of My Comfort Zone


Being in a new city by yourself is an opportunity to be who you want to be. Kind of a liberating thing, no?

Read more: 5 Of My Best Tips On How To Navigate Any Foreign City

Don’t be afraid of the unknown, the big and small, the foreign and familiar, go find out more!

>> Read more: Visiting The Same Place Multiple Times? Here’s How To Gain A New Perspective Each Time.

The amount of gains you attain from each solo experience…

>> Read more: The Ways Travel Influences: A Personal Example of Transformative Travel

Make sure that when you get out of your comfort zone, you really actually get out of your comfort zone no matter where you are.

>> Read more: How To Be A Curious Traveler

If you want to travel, you will make it happen. Lack of money has a remedy. Fear? 

>> Read more: 5 Motivating Ways to Start Saving Money for Travel

💸 💸 💸 Looking for a way to save money for travel that is both EASY and practically EFFORTLESS? Read about how I saved $1,000 with Acorns and how you can too!

DON’T 👏🏽 STAY 👏🏽 IN 👏🏽 ONE 👏🏽 PLACE 👏🏽 ALL 👏🏽 YOUR 👏🏽 LIFE👏🏽 – there’s so much more than the streets and cities you frequent in your daily life. 

>> Read more: How To Tap Into The Feeling Of Travel – Manifest More Travel!

Travel humbles you, and it builds your self-confidence simultaneously.

>> Read more: Living Your “Travel Truths”

He said it best: To understand one another, we need to move to see life from other people’s perspectives.

>> Read more: Food Travels

So travel with an open mind, and realize that home becomes a state of mind eventually.

>> Read more: 4 Ways You Can Travel The World From Home, Today!

Duh…why would you not?

>> Read more: Setting The Travel Intention

This one always gets me. Your travels and the people you meet leave an imprint on you, as you will on them. You’re going to see the good and the bad, but it’s extremely important that you do, and that you keep it with you to share it with those at home. So go get your passport if you don’t have one yet!

>> Read more: How I Manifested A Trip To Greece – And How You Can Do It Too

I swear, go somewhere no one knows you, be your own company and guide and see what happens to your outlook on yourself. 

>> Read more: The Travel Mindset Explained

Travel is an exchange of information, experiences, and stories in the most realest form. Make sure to share the goodness when you travel. 

>> Read more: How To Continue Finding Clarity From Travel At Home- The Practical Way

Leave the 4 corners of your comfort zone and see just how uninformed you’ve been all this time.

>> Read more: How to Process Travel



>> Read more: How To Turn Reverse Culture Shock Into A Propeller For More Travel

📝 Your reverse culture shock is more than a sucky feeling. Leave me your email down below to learn The 3 Things Your Reverse Culture Shock Is Trying To Tell You – straight to you inbox.


Learn to value life experiences, not things.

>> Read more: What Happens When Travel Becomes Escapism?

The Wrap-Up: The Realest Travel Quotes You Actually Need To Read Right Now

Which travel quote did you find the most real?

The most inspiring?

The one that made you go, woah?

Do you have any other travel quotes that you like to go by?

If you have always wanted to take a trip but have never done so because of one thing or another, I hope this post inspired you to go. 

Excuses to go will always be there, but it’s up to you to make the decision. 

Do you have a favorite travel quote? Please share in the comments below! We can help inspire one another to learn and grow from this beautiful world.

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    1. Hi Nicki! My pleasure! I love a good quote, especially travel quotes ☺️ also great tips you share on your post! Traveling is a great way to get to know others, and form deeper bonds as you say.

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